Whites Now “Minority” In Denver, Crackers Freaking Out!!

According to a recent report by the U.$. Census Bureau, Denver is now 50.01 percent non-white as of last year. So now, so-called minorities, or more accurately the non-white oppressed nations, outnumber members of the oppressor white nation in the Denver area.(1)

And not just in Denver. In nearly 10 percent of the counties in the U.$. white people are now a minority compared to non-white people, a trend that continues as time goes on.(2)

The growth of the non-white population is mostly due to the increase of “Latinos,” most of whom are Mexicanos, others Central Americans. This has affected Denver and counties around it, likely to make the latter majority-minority too.(3) And with the changing demographics, everything from Spanish-language classes to buying more tortillas than white bread is changing also. And with the growth of “Latinos” comes with it white nativism, exemplified by fascist groups like the Minutemen and idiot cracker politicians like Tom Tancredo.

On the Cracker Talk Radio circuit, this news has the radio blowhards rattling their pinhead brains. In one documented instance, Gunny Bob of 850 KOA falsely reports the news that Hispanics are now the majority. This is contradicted by the official figures, and a caller even corrects him. Gunny Bob denies saying it, but later repeats the same lie he is
on record of saying, and denied. He even gives some nonsensical crackpotism about a “sunset clause” on Manifest Destiny, and bemoans the fact that whites will be a minority by 2050.(4)

Another white trash radio yapper is Peter Boyles of 630 KHOW-AM. In his virulent hatred of Latinos, he can’t get his facts straight either. He bemoans about a Denver clinic serving Spanish-speaking peoples. He states “99 percent of Denver’s ‘Spanish-speaking population’–meaning Spanish only–coming to a health clinic are here illegally.(5) This report cited another bald-faced lie Boyles asserted: “I’m not an idiot.”

With all this, the white trash nativist right wing will use this in their continuing spasms against “illegal immigration,” despite what the facts are. No matter, we at RAIM-D welcome this news.

The United Snakes is an empire and has been an empire since its beginning. It has committed genocide against First Nations and stole their land, enslaved millions of Africans and continued national exploitation against the Black Nation, and committed imperialist aggression against Mexico and stole the northern half of the country along with oppressing the Chicano/Mexicano people on their own land. And it has committed and continues to commit imperialist atrocities in hundreds of countries since, the most recent being in Afghanistan and Iraq.

And the benefactor of this piggery has been all sections of the white nation of the U.$. The reactionary drivel from some sectors of this opppressor nation is only the more visible of the decadence of these parasites.

There is something we agree with from Gunny Bob. There is a sunset clause on Manifest Destiny, or there soon will be. Amerikkka’s pig-ass imperialism will soon have its day and we welcome its destruction. We support national liberation struggles of the captive nations inside the United States, and build a base of nation traitorism within the white nation. Less white people in the city? It’s nice to have good news once in a while.

1. http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_6577663

2. http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7008152013

3. http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_6588057

4. http://colorado.mediamatters.org/items/200708100001

5. http://colorado.mediamatters.org/items/200708100003


Filed under Occupied Mexico/Aztlan, White Amerika

27 responses to “Whites Now “Minority” In Denver, Crackers Freaking Out!!

  1. diewhiteydie

    White amerikkka enslaved and murdered it way towards becoming a majority in the first place. A few migrants move back to the land that was stolen from them by whites and the reactionary right throws a fit. What a bunch of privileged pricks.

  2. x

    Unless Ingenuous Peoples, Blacks, Chicanos/Mexicanos, Puerto Ricans, Central American, etc, etc are one single dark “race”, then whites are still a majority. Perhaps in the racist heads of white amerikans, all these people are a single group; but otherwise not one of these groups is larger than white amerika.

  3. killcrackasdead

    Right on!

    White amerika always says that groups like Blacks need to quit blaming whites for their problems. They say that just because they’re a small group it doesn’t mean they should have no problem succeeding in merika. Now, whites become 49.9% of the population and they throw a fit. Hey cracka, quit whining.

  4. lacidar

    Chauvinist amerikans comment about how they don’t feel any different now that they’re a “minority”. That’s because they are still oppressors.

  5. concerned parasite

    True, by skewing the discussion merely in terms of population size it falsely negates the idea of economic and social oppression. In essence it doesn’t matter how big or small white amerika is relative to oppressed nations within the U$, what matters is who has the power. A good example of whites being a minority oppressor-nation is South Africa.

  6. FcukAmerica

    It’s very revealing that the hate-radio mouthpiece Gunny Bob complained that these racial/ethnic demographic changes herald a “sunset clause on Manifest Destiny.”

    America invented this ideology of Manifest Destiny itself to justify the USA’s colonization and theft of First Nations’ and Mexican lands.

    In Orwellian fashion, America disguises the genocidal nature of its colonization of this continent through the romanticized propaganda myth about how the frontier West was settled by White pioneers steeped in their belief in God, “rugged individualism” and the “American spirit.”

    Though he doesn’t realize it, Gunny Bob is implicity admitting that the demographic decline of Whites in the USA signals the end of this murderous American tradition and system.

  7. minus k

    It fills my heart with glee knowing, white nationalist-racists are crying over the fact that their precious Denver is succumbing to a populous of peoples who owned this place in the first place.

  8. niggapleez

    Looks like I may have been right on …..where’s my post from August 30th? I suppose when it comes to having an opinion that is not in line with the moderators….you get deleted.

    It’s the problem with the current minority. You can not own up to your responsibilities of a failing race.

    Truly pathetic that you could not even debate the truth but rather just delete my post.


  9. If we went ahead and argued with every single idiot we encountered then we’d never have time to do anything else. That’s the simple truth. It takes anyone (even a cop) 5 seconds to write something idiotic. It takes us much longer to produce a polished reply. So, instead of wasting our time responding to idiocy, we find it best just to delete such comments and spend our time doing real political work.

    In the future, unless you can demonstrate serious inquiry into radical politics, you should have no reasonable expectation that your comments won’t be deleted.

  10. FcukAmerica

    Since “niggapleez” loves to spew epithets against non-Whites, here is an outstanding example of the superiority of White people in all their glory:

  11. White Guy

    Alright! Hell yes! Can whites there now apply for minority programs or minority affirmative action grants? Or does that only count when non-whites were the minority? Ah, hypocrisy, what a ugly little thing.

    • From one white person to another, shut the hell up. It isn’t about who is “more” or “less” in numbers, it is about who is given institutionalized privileges and who is faced with systematic oppression.

  12. Fah-q KraKKer

    Sure, no prob. Just go through the standard procedure.

    Just get collectively stolen from your home, enslaved, forced into a serf-like position, lynched, excluded, beaten, targeted by the FBI, disproportionately arrested and imprisoned- and it’s a deal.

    If you don’t like that plan you can have your home invaded resulting in your expulsion, forced into a serf-like position, lynched, excluded, beaten, targeted by the FBI, and disproportionately arrested and imprisoned.

    Ignorant whiny white-supremacist trash, what a pathetic thing.

    (And just so you know, oppressed nations never voted for Affirmative Action. It was forced on us by White Amerika and its Uncle Tom lackeys. Its only white people like yourself who are constantly asking for handouts.)

  13. jj

    colored power!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. dhevel

    Even though I am a white, this is great news. I am a strong believer in the ideas put forth by Noel Ignatiev in regards to the abolishment of the white race and white privilege. As a guiding principle treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity. As a race, whites are parasites and feed off the labors of others. It is only the wealth that whites have that keep them in power and it is wealth that has been made from the sweat, blood and tears of minorities.

    • Joe

      You my friend are an idiot. I guess Newton and all the other great thinkers were parasites right? The stupid computer you are typing now was created by a white person! Without whites this fucking planet will get back to the dark ages. Your kids will have to thank idiots like you for it!

      • To (racist) Joe,

        Your thoughts on history are weak and Euro-centric. African slaves, stolen from their homeland and living on plantations, were inoculating themselves against small-pox while their masters were dying of it.

        The only reason Amerikkka is so powerful is because we had abundant: land (stolen from the indigenous), labor (stolen from Africa), and when we wanted to industrialize we got start up capital (stolen from women in the “Salem witch trials”)

        We are a country of thieves.

        It is funny that you bring up the “dark ages.” While Europe was in the dark ages the rest of the world was doing fine.

        Go learn some real history.

        p.s. “The stupid computer you are typing now was created by a white person!”
        …really? mine says “Made in China.”

  15. Goliath is Dead

    Great statement dhevel, however there is one correction I must pass on. The wealth of white nation is not taken at the expense of minorities, but in fact the worlds majority.

  16. eggs100

    dhevel: move to Detroit. You’ll love it there. Unfortunately, you’ll be murdered inside of a month, but what the heck, at least you will have taken a stand.

  17. Nation-traitor

    The white “race” has got to go. This does not mean that whites must be killed off, only that they must be stripped of their superior status and position as exploiters.

    Although this demographic report from the occupied Mexican city of Denver is certainly good news, the bad news is that many of the non-white peoples in u$-occupied territory are becoming white. Blacks and other semi-colonies internal to u$ imperialism now enjoy most of the fruits of whiteness, chief among them a heaping helping of superprofits extracted from the labor of the Third World.

  18. dhevel

    Thank you Nation-Traitor for clarifying that abolishing the white race does not mean the killing of whites, but rather stripping away the privileges enjoyed by the white race only because of their skin color. Why should a person with white skin have anymore rights or privileges then anyone else?

    Goliath is Dead, you too are correct, the white race has gained their wealth at the expense of all the minorities throughout the world. Still, it is that wealth and only that wealth that keeps whites in power. Until the white privileged are stripped of that wealth, unless there is a violent revolt, the parasites will continue to rule.

  19. Fcuk America

    “Although this demographic report from the occupied Mexican city of Denver is certainly good news, the bad news is that many of the non-white peoples in u$-occupied territory are becoming white. Blacks and other semi-colonies internal to u$ imperialism now enjoy most of the fruits of whiteness, chief among them a heaping helping of superprofits extracted from the labor of the Third World.”

    US racial minorities are now becoming White? This is “Social Constructivist” racial theory at its most politically cynical and disingenous.

    You should tell this to the millions of Blacks and Latinos languishing in America’s prison gulag (the greatest in the world); or the thousands of Latino immigrants who have been harassed, deported, and killed by the ICE; or the thousands of South and West Asians who were racially cleansed from the USA under the pretext of terrorism after 9-11. I’d like to see what kind of reaction you get.

    Minorities in the American Empire enjoy the benefits of American super-imperialism but not at the same level as Whites. For example, compare the median household income of Blacks vs. Whites.

    To suggest otherwise is to gloss over the little issues of White supremacy and hegemony (not just “white privilege”) inside the US evil empire itself.

    Moreover, you are conflating American *nationalism* with race and Whiteness. Minorities in the USA may or may not be assimilated as Americans–but not as Whites. Minorities in the USA want a greater cut of America’s economic spoils, but I doubt if they want the dishonor of being White.

    It’s Euro-Americans (from the Left Wing to the Right) that need to take moral ownership of the stigma and crime that is Whiteness and not try to disingenuously “share the blame” with minorities.

    • Steves

      “the thousands of South and West Asians who were racially cleansed from the USA under the pretext of terrorism after 9-11. I’d like to see what kind of reaction you get.

      Minorities in the American Empire enjoy the benefits of American super-imperialism but not at the same level as Whites. For example, compare the median household income of Blacks vs. Whites.”

      I generally like your points, but the claim that thousands of South and West Asians were cleansed after 9/11 sounds like hyperbolic foolishness to me and needs verification.

  20. Nation-traitor

    I stand by what I said. Blacks, Latinos, and other oppressed nations under u$ occupation are becoming white in outlook. I don’t see what’s wrong with admitting that.

    There is a class basis for the whitening of oppressed nations within the u$’s “borders.” Those oppressed nations now absorb superprofits just as the white oppressor nation does. In fact, undocument migrants from southern Mexico quickly get access to stolen superprofits simply by being in u$-occupied North America, even though they cannot legally work and do not benefit from various state programs available to u$ citizens.

    That’s why oppressed-nation sovereignty is largely a dead issue nowadays.

  21. Fcuk America

    What you mean by “white in outlook”?

    If you mean that minorities in the USA identify racially and culturally with White people, you’re mistaken.

    Minorities want a greater cut of America’s imperial spoils, yes. That is true. But this self-serving economic interest should not be conflated with White racial identification.

    It’s not the same thing.

    • dhevel

      Wanting to be white or having a “white outlook” is a mistake, when minorities can achieve their goals of a large piece of the pie, without giving up their identity. Besides the only thing keeping whites in power is simply wealth. Once whites no longer control the wealth of the nation, then you will see minorities take control and get their just riches.

  22. Serve the People

    No, most Black people do not consider themselves white. But lots and lots of them do consider themselves Amerikkkan. And that’s what I mean by “white in outlook.”

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