White trash throw hissy-fit over Absolut Vodka Advertisement, re-unified Mexico


A hellofabunch of Amerikkkans are having spasmic fits over an Absolut Vodka ad that features the previous borders of Mexico before the U.$. invasion, land grab, and occupation of 1848. Under pressure, Swedish-based Absolut pulled the ad. (see: “Absolut apologizes for Mexican vodka ad,” ).

The crack analysts as Monkey Smashes Heaven look at the wider implications of the vodka ad controversy and what it means for Amerikkka:

White trash throw hissy-fit over Absolut Vodka Advertisement, re-unified Mexico
(source: monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com)
Controversy has erupted in White Trashland over a recent advertisement for Absolut Vodka. The ad features a map of Mexico prior to the losses in territory suffered between 1836 to 1848. In little over a decade, White settler imperialists stole and occupied roughly half of Mexico. Texas, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming and Colorado continue to be occupied to this day.
Predictably, racist pundits like Michelle Malkin are using the ad to whip up anti-Mexican sentiment. (1) The Drudge Report made sure to link to the L.A. Times’ blog where the story originally appeared. The L.A. Times’ blog post is sardonically entitled, “Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!” (2) Yet more evidence of the Mexican reconquista plot planned by Lin Biao, executed by MECha. If only. (3)
Read the rest here.

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Filed under News and Analysis, Occupied Mexico/Aztlan, White Amerika

One response to “White trash throw hissy-fit over Absolut Vodka Advertisement, re-unified Mexico

  1. MK

    Fuck man, I think I just pee’d a little from laughing so hard

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